Sunday Worship
Our service of Holy Communion takes place at 10am Sunday and all are welcome to participate. Morning tea follows the service where we continue communion over a cuppa.
Healing and Reconciliation is the focus on the first Sunday of each month. We also collect breakfast items this day for donation to the AnglicareSA Magdalene Centre and distribution to those doing it tough.
Family Focus Service takes place on the third Sunday of the month. In even months this is in the church, and in odd months we gather in the community centre.
Tuesday Service
There is a 10am service of Holy Communion (without songs) on the second Tuesday of each month, followed by morning tea.
Celebration of Wholeness and Healing
On the third Wednesday of each month at 2pm we gather for a service dedicated to Wholeness and Healing. This informal service includes Communion, prayers and anointing.
Healing and Reconciliation
On the first Sunday of every month the 10am service is devoted to Healing & Reconciliation.
2022 Blessing of the Animals
It is the spirit that gives life. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. You have the words of eternal life.
Extracts from John 6:63-68 (NRSV)